Memories of 2021
To start off another annual review saying something like “this year was interesting”, or “different”, feels a bit redundent—I think they all are now. Having said that, 2021 did offer some rather, novel experiences to say the least.
In March, I spent 14 days in a single hotel room under government quarantine detainment after arriving in Sydney to attend my brother’s wedding (and renew my US visa.) In August, I spent 14 days—this feels like a trend— in Maui, HI working in the mornings and enjoying the sun in the afternoons. In November, I visited London with some friends, mostly just to get away, and to see my UK friends. All before ending the year with a “surprise”—that had to be less surprising thanks to the ever changing state of the world—visit back to Sydney to see my family for the holidays.
I took two doors off helicopter rides, taking about 4,000 photos between them—some of said photos are below. Which seems like a perfect segue into this years annual review: Memories. Below is a series of Memories I made in Apple’s Photos app, along with a gallery of photos. Some months have a lot more than others.
Enjoy! And I hope you have a good 2022


A Bit Lonely
I definitely found February the most lonely month of 2021.
I did a lot of exploring of the Bay Area with my new car, and took many photos of the coast.

Off to Sydney
In early March, I drove from the Bay Area to LAX, then flew to Sydney (via New Zealand), before being put into 14 days of mandatory quarantine detainment. I think I handled it extremely well, but never want to do it again.


It was really lovely to be able to celebrate my birthday with some old friends under the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House, considering how last year’s birthday was…

Jaime & Simon’s Wedding
The day after my Birthday was my brother’s wedding, where I had the honour of being best man. It was a gorgeous day, and I think we looked pretty great in those suits!




Yosemite (July)

Maui (August)




Trip to London
For Thanksgiving week, a couple friends and I travelled over to London in an attempt at getting away from the Bay Area (once again.) It was a lovely trip of sight seeing, and catching up with old friends.
